April 28, 2010

Hurry Up Bryley!

so little!
 Chloe giving Bryley a pep talk
 This is her nursery colors turqoise, black , and damask!... i cant wait to see the bedding after it is made!!!
 Sweet Alyssa, who came home with me after the shower! love that sweet girl!
 All the fun stuff!

This past weekend I hosted Ashley's first shower. It was such a huge success! Her and Bryley received so many fabulous things. I can't wait to see what Bryley looks like, I dont know if I can wait that much longer to hold my little neice. I lover her so much already! I can't wait to see Chloe and her cousin playing and having sleepovers togethers at her favorite aunt's house (that's me LOL), gymnastic classes, dressing alike, I could go on and on!! It's going to be so much FUN!


April 11, 2010


A small circus traveled to Allen, so we went to check it out! Im still freaked out that we rode an elephant, not one of my best parenting decisions....but the look of pure excitement on Chloe's face talked me into it. Thank God it turned out ok. I asked the elephant trainer 100 questions of the elephant's history before we got on to ride. Overall, it was a pretty good Circus!!!


April 10, 2010


I knew it would be dangerous when we purchased the trampoline. Not for Chloe, but the boys in the family. Who really over the age of 30 schedules "break the egg" aka "bounce the person over the safety rails" games still?


Spring is in the AIR!!! FINALLY!

Chloe could play "dinosaurs" all day with her bff, our neighbor Cade.

First Elephant Ear of the season

My handsome gardener....nope not for hire :) This reminds me , the neighbor (8 yrs old)told me yesterday that her mom and the neigbor across from us thinks that Chad is "Hot"..
Im sure her mother would die, if she knew she told me that!!! LOL

A worm!!!!!

It's that time again, for digging in the flower beds and playin' outside!!


April 9, 2010

Peter Cottontail

Easter Sunday was such a fun day. We loaded the car and headed to King’s Trail to hear a great sermon. Brad, Bryan, Ashley, Christy, and Chloe were all in tow. It was so crowded that there was standing room only. I waited for the singing to be over with and headed out to the nursery. Chloe did not want to stay at all, there were about 5 crying kids in there. So I sat in there with her and played. One kid has so much green snot coming out of his nose, I thought he was going to suffocate. I decided Chloe and I would just go to the car and watch DVD’s…. so that is how my Easter service went. We went back to the farm had an Easter egg hunt, and my parents gave Chloe a chick for Easter. Yes that’s right a real live chicken…sigh. I have been trying to give it away, but “chicky” is so attached to Malakai now, they have became best buds…

This Easter Sunday was extra special, I truly witnessed a miracle that week. April a friend of mine found her little boy in the bottom of a pool, they were given no hope for him to live. Fast forward a week later… he is playing and is back at school. This story has been such a testimony for so many people to witness. It is such a heartbreaking but miraculous story. I went to see April at Childrens’s Medical Center while her son was still there. I was an emotional wreck listening to her tell how the doctors told her there was no hope but she knew her God was going to heal Aiden and she was going to leave with him, no matter what the medical team said. I prayed so hard that week, along with thousands of others. We really serve an awesome God !!!!You can read more about Aiden and his fight to live here.


Fave foto Friday

That is pure excitment on her face :)
She loves to hold her hands in the air when jumping...

She loves her Uncle Brad even more!!!
