Wednesday was Chloe's one year check up. She is 24 lbs and 31 1/2 inches long. Which means 95% in height and 70% in weight. She has always been 95% in both areas, so I was happy to see that she is thinning out a little from walking. Dr. Eley said that she is growing perfectly and that she seems to be right on schedule :) Dr. Eley asked which words she knew, so I told her. She would say them and Chloe repeated all of them!! Momma, Dada, Dog, Baby, moo, ice, and her new word she just learned while we were waiting on her "bee" ( i was reading her a bee book). I opted to wait on shots for a couple weeks since she had already been in a terrible mood and running a low grade fever. Not to mention I forgot my stroller and was having to carry her everywhere and I had to park two miles away!!!! I can't believe she is already a year old!

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